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This is actually three separate dances joined together since they all flow into each other fluidly.
Granee decides to plant some lovely flowers in her garden. She and the children go to the market to purchase seeds for flowers. On their way to the market they encounter the mysterious Mr. Pluto Onium, a peddler who is selling goods out on the country roads. Mr. Onium works at the nuclear power plant in the evening and peddles through the countryside during the day. He tries to entice Granee to buy some of his wares. He happens to have flower seeds which he convinces Granee to purchase. This was especially nice since she, and the children still had a distance to travel to the market. Thrilled with their new flower seeds, Granee and the children head back home to plant them.
To The Market
To mar-ket to mar-ket to mar-ket we go ov-er the hills to the val-ley be-low
To mar-ket to mar-ket to mar-ket we go to get seeds for the flow-er gard-en to-day
To the mark-et to mar-ket to mar-ket to mar-ket we go we go ov-er the hills to the val-ley be-low
To mark-et to mark-et to mark-et we go to get seeds for the flow-er gard-en to-day
We love the warm sun-shine
We love the birds sing-ing
We love the fresh scent of the flow-ers to-day
We love the warm sun-shine
We love the birds sing-ing
We love the fresh scent of the flow-ers to-day
To mar-ket to mar-ket to mar-ket we go
Ov-er the hills to the val-ley be-low
To mark-et to mark-et to mark-et we go
To get seeds for the flow-er gard-en to-day
To the mark-et to mar-ket to mar-ket to mar-ket we go we go
Ov-er the hills to the val-ley be-low
To mark-et to mark-et to mark-et we go
To get seeds for the flow-er gar-den to day
We love the warm sun-shine
We love the birds sing-ing
We love the fresh scent of the flow-ers to-day
We love the warm sun-shine
We love the birds sing-ing
We love the fresh scent of the flow-ers to-day
Here Comes Mr. Pluto Onium
Here comes mist-er Plu-to On-i-um
With his ped-dler cart trimmed in chrom i-um
He sells pots and pans and brooms and mops
Steak and roast and ribs and chops
Cig-ars to-bac-co and jars of snuff
Bulbs and seeds and lots of stuff
He’s a lt-tle pe-cul-iar in a cer-tain way
But he has all the things that you need to-day
He works at the pow-er plant at night
In hopes that it will not ig-nite
Ped-dles his goods al through the day
Get your things when he comes your way
To The Garden
The ped-dler the ped-dler the ped-dler we saw
To get seeds for the flow-er gard-en to-day
We love the warm sun-shine
We love the birds sing-ing in the trees to day the trees-to-day
We love the warm sun-shine we love the birds sing-ing in the trees to day
To the gard-en the gard-en gard-en we go
Back ov-er the hills to the val-ley be-low
To the gard-en the gard-en gard-en we go
To plant the seeds that we bought to day
To the gard-en the gard-en the gard en gard-en we go
To plant the seeds that we bought to-day
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